Atlanta Real Estate Listing Basics- Step by Step

Listing your property on the market may seem like an overwhelming task but the selling process is made easier later if you go by the book and take care of the important details first.

Step 1: Listing Consultation

When you decide to sell your house or any other property, consult a real estate agent in Atlanta first and talk to the one you trust. He will have the opportunity to visit your property and assess its conditions and locality to discuss the selling prospects. He will also gloss over similar properties on the Multiple Listing Service and properties in the neighborhood market to discuss and fix the best price for your estate. Apart from that, he will help set a timeline to finish the important steps ahead of time before your property is up for listing.

Step 2: Prepare your Property

All prospective buyers will inspect your place so it is imperative that you repair and fix the damages that need tending to. Paint the fences, fix the ceiling fans, tone down wall colors—these are some of the things you can do to brush up the appearance of your property.
Remember, the buyer is not attached to the property as you are. They will be more interested in finding faults with the place while you will be overlooking them.

Step 3: Get a Pre-listing Inspection

Competing with the already existing real estate listings in Atlanta, you are obviously concerned about getting the most value for your property. So, it wouldn’t hurt to invest some money in getting a pre-listing inspection. A professional home inspector will scrutinize your property and give you a detailed report on major fixtures that you should take care. Since buyers will be bringing a home inspector too, it is best you clear up the mess beforehand to avoid the hassle and time being wasted. The longer your property stays in the market, the more its value drops.

Step 3: Signing the Paperwork

Establish a listing price with your Platinum Real Estate agent and prepare the contract. After the signatures, the paperwork is done and your property is on the MLS and FMLS in Atlanta.

Step 4: Marketing Plan

Your work does not end here. A photographer will pay a visit to take pictures of your property. You can open up a website and put up the details with the photographs online. Design brochures advertising your property and distribute them. Place a “For Sale” sign on the yard. Your realtor will add your property in Multiple Listing Service and you are all set for selling now.

Step 5: Property Display

Home is shown to buyer agents and potential buyers. If an offer is made, the listing agent will present it to the seller and if the negotiation goes well, the home is turned over to the new owner after necessary paperwork and contracts have been signed.
These are just the basic steps of real estate listing in Atlanta. To ensure you have a hassle-free experience, you can feel free to contact me directly and I will either help you or have one of my experienced agents assist you.
To become one of the best real estate agents in Atlanta, get enrolled in my real estate coaching workshop “TO LIST IS TO LAST – HOW TO LIST AT LEAST 3 PROPERTIES IN 90 DAYS”. Also download my e-book “Social Media Marketing for Real Estate Agents” to further polish your skills.

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