Choosing the Best Areas to Farm for Listings

Real estate farming is widely considered to be the concerned with the act of focusing the vast majority of all of your real estate marketing efforts on a highly specific geographic area (this is also known as geographic farming) or even for that matter, certain types of clients (colloquially referred to as ‘demographic farming’). The core purpose is to be able to create further value addition for many clients and customers by becoming the duly qualified expert in that particular area only.Albeit, this can only happen if you have a whole lot of experience in this field.
The ‘farming metaphor’ is widely considered to be very simple to apply due to the fact that it can easily cover many different aspects of real estate, especially in Atlanta. Taking this analogy further, we can think of our collective marketing efforts (both energy, time and money spent on marketing our listings) asthe seeds that we sow on our (respective) farms.
And just like a farm in the real world, there will have to be at least a few highly essential elements to auniquely bountiful harvest. One has to take care and nurture all of the planted seeds by making sure that they have adequate fresh water and sunlight, pulling out the weeds, and also applying various pesticides to keep them safe from insects and other predators. But perhaps most important of all is the sheer amount of time that you have to give to the exercise. This is why if you are the sort of realtorwho wants instantaneous success, then real estate farming is probably not your cup of tea as such.

o How to go about choosing the right farm areas?

Since ‘cultivating the harvest can be a time consuming exercise’ the choice of area that you intend to farm can be very important indeed: Let us see how to ensure that you get lucrative returns from your ‘farming’ activities.

o Always try and stay close to home

If this is a new venture for you, then it is better to stay as close to home as possible. This is due to the fact that you already know the area and (by extension) its residents intimately. You are aware of the crime rates, and the various pitfalls and anything else that you should be aware of when making a real estate deal in Atlanta.

o Always conduct your research thoroughly

Another really important element when it comes to choosing a farm area would be the local demographics. In other worlds before commencement of farming operations you need to know as much as you possibly can about the area so you will be able to rattle of its salient features to even the most demanding clients and potential customers. Some of the things you need to research about include the following:

  • Is it a commuter area?
  • Average income
  • Average age
  • Local amenities such as nightlife, parks, beaches, etc.
  • Transportation options
  • The types of houses, Postmodern, Victorian etc.

These are just some of the ideas for real estate farming in Atlanta or any other city. For more information you can check out or log on to

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