What Should Real Estate Agents Know About the Latest Updates on Facebook?

Facebook just made some massive changes to its News Feed, and the impact of those changes will be felt by everyone trying to market and advertise on the platform. The new changes are going to affect real estate professionals as well, and if you want to ensure your marketing strategy continues delivering results you need to read on. I am going to show you the different ways these updates are going to affect real estate agents looking to take advantage of Facebook marketing.

The Important Details

At the start of the year, Mark Zuckerberg released a statement mentioning that the mission of Facebook was to bring closer, and the feedback they have gotten from the community is that public content, which are posts from media, brands, and businesses, are overshadowing their personal moments. That is why Facebook has decided to make some changes in the News Feed section on Facebook, which will have apocalyptical results for big brands, and businesses marketing on the platform.
The suggested changes and the impact they will have for businesses on Facebook are as follows:

  • News Feed space will be limited
  • There will be less public posts shown on Facebook
  • This will result in business pages see a massive decline in referral traffic, video watch time, and their overall reach and influence
  • Facebook also plans on making changes to rankings

Here is what we know so far:

After going through the expected changes Facebook plans to introduce, we can safely say that the impact they will have will be as follows:

  • Less videos in the News Feed
  • Less visibility for links to external pages
  • All posts from pages and people will be impacted

These changes to the News Feed algorithm are going to have a massive impact on the way people share information on Facebook.

What Should You Do Now?

You have a clear idea now that the proposed changes to the News Feed by Facebook is going to have a drastic effect on the way you market to your target audience. If you plan on upgrading and changing your marketing strategy to be effective on Facebook after the changes, here is what you should do:

1. Don’t post frequently

Where previously you focused on quantity, now you must place emphasis on quality. Whenever you post, make sure that you pick something engagement, which is bound to get people talking on your posts, as that will improve visibility.

2. Grab attention

Try not to go over the top, and keep the subject relatable and interesting in your posts, and it will get people talking with one another on your posts.

3. Go LIVE

You need to change your standard recorded videos, and go on Facebook LIVE more often.

4. Stop click bait

Facebook plans on demoting clickbait posts on its News Feed, so it is time you let go of this marketing strategy if you want your posts to be visible.

5. Master Facebook ads

If you still want to drive traffic off Facebook, you must master managing and running Facebook Ad campaigns, so that you can still target and bring leads to your main website.
If you want to learn more about what should real estate agents know about the latest updates on Facebook, check out our YouTube channel, and shop at our store today!

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