Identifying Relevance with Facebook Marketing: What Real Estate Agents Should Post on their Facebook Pages

Ask any real estate agent about the best way to market real estate on social media, and they will go off on a list of things you should be doing, without telling you anything of substance. I have been in the real estate business for over 27 years, so know instantly when someone is trying to pull the wool over my eyes. It isn’t a secret that Facebook marketing is gaining popularity as more real estate agents prefer marketing on the social media platform. This is because it’s cost-effective, easy to use, and delivers quality lead generation.
However, most real estate agents tend to go about it the wrong way when it comes to Facebook marketing because they don’t know what they are doing. Fortunately, I have the relevant experience in Facebook marketing and can offer valuable insight into what real estate agents should post on their Facebook page. Here is what you need to know:

1. Posts about buying and selling

You need to provide your target audience with valuable information, otherwise they will not take you seriously. If you keep uploading pictures of new listings, and have no other interaction with your audience, you will struggle to generate hype or a response from them. That is why you should share tips about selling homes quickly, and providing them with buying advice. This will lead to higher engagement, and clients will be more inclined to do business with you.

2. Infographics and videos

Share videos and infographics that are relevant to the audience because data driven images are a hit on the internet. Visual information is easily read and retained by the client, since it is presented in an aesthetic manner. You can create videos of your open house or new listings and post them on your Facebook page as well.

3. Do giveaways

The best way to generate hype on your Facebook business page is by holding competitions and giveaways. It gets people excited, and will result in higher engagement numbers on Facebook. You can also try posting memes, which will not only get people laughing, but can also get your page trending or if you nail the meme, it might help make your page go viral.

4. News/Stories

You can come up with posts that have the latest real estate news and gossip. While another way to generate interest and hype on your page is by posting real life stories of people. It is one of the best ways to attract people on your real estate page.

5. DIY ideas

You can share helpful tips and insights that help homeowners buy and sell homes in the current market. Don’t try to be forceful with your call to actions in these posts, since it will come across in the wrong manner. Be subtle about it, and watch as people flock to your website for real estate help.
For  more information visit my web page at If you would like to contact feel free to contact me at or 404-994-4600.

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