The Most Powerful Online Marketing Tools for Real Estate Agents

As a real estate agent, you work in a highly competitive marketplace where you not only have to fulfill the needs and preferences of your customers, but keep up with the latest real estate trends, tools, and technologies as well.
To offer you a little help and provide you a way to take your marketing game to the next level, I have compiled a list of the 3 best marketing tools that every real estate agent must use.

1. Buzz Sumo

You probably already know the importance of maintaining a blog, but how do you ensure that the content you’re publishing will be read by your target customers? Well, there is a simple solution — Buzz Sumo. This is an incredible marketing tool that will help you determine the virality of any content idea.
Let’s say that you want to write an article on ‘how to buy an HUD home’. All you need to do to know if the article will attract more visitors is enter the title in search box. Buzz Sumo will do an instant search of the last 12 months and show the articles published on the same topic across all major social platforms, including Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.

2. Hubspot’s Marketing Grader

A complicated homepage, non-responsive design, text-heavy user experience, and poor color scheme can all damage your website’s search engine rankings and turn off your visitors as well. Hubspot’s Marketing Grader is an excellent tool that you can use to determine the performance of your website. It will assess your website’s performance, responsiveness, search engine optimization, and security, as well as provide you recommendations to improve your website’s functionality and user experience.

3. BEE

Designing an e-newsletter is one of the most dreaded tasks for real estate agents. BEE makes it easier by providing you free responsive email templates that you can use to design your very own professional-looking newsletter.
You can pick a template that you like or design your own from scratch. You can add social buttons at the bottom of the email as well to make it easier for your prospects to get in touch with you on Facebook, Twitter, or Google+.
These 3 solutions top my list of ‘the best online marketing tools for real estate agents’. Do you have something more to add to this list? Share your thoughts with everyone in the comments’ section.
You may also browse through my website and access the books that I have written for real estate agents here. I am also arranging a workshop on the subject of using online marketing to promote real estate services. You may register for the workshop here.

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