3 Tried and Tested Marketing Tips from Real Estate Pros

If you have just stepped into the real estate industry or are considering becoming a real estate agent, it is important to know that although rewarding, an Atlanta real estate career offers its share setbacks and disappointments as well. A smart way to excel as a real estate agent is to learn from the real estate pros who have gained years of firsthand experience of the industry.
To help you get started, I am listing 3 marketing tips that have been successfully tried and tested by real estate million dollar producers.

1. Perfect Your Drip Marketing Messages

Drip emails are the pre-written messages that get sent to a user automatically when they sign up for your newsletter or download a free whitepaper available on your website. Research suggests that these messages are six times more effective than conventional marketing messages. However, to extract maximum value, you must perfect your drip marketing messages. Make sure that the content is well-written, informative, and original. Also, opt for responsive email designs that offer good readability on both desktops and mobile devices.

2. Learn How to Market to Millennials

Traditionally, the target audience of real estate agents comprised of middle-aged and elderly individuals who had saved enough money in their lifetime to buy a home. But things have changed now. Mortgage funding can be obtained more easily today, and as a result, Millennials are entering the real estate market. Therefore, if you want to build a rewarding Georgia real estate career, you must learn how to market to Millennials. Identify their needs, interests, and purchase drivers, and customize your marketing campaign accordingly to generate more leads.

3. Keep an Eye on Your Competitors

This is a universal marketing secret that’s used by successful professionals from all industries. If you’re struggling generating leads, see what your competitors are doing. Follow their social media profiles, sign up for the newsletter, and attend open houses organized by them to know what kind of marketing tactics they are using. This way, you can learn what’s working and what’s not and use this knowledge to build a winning marketing strategy and grow your Atlanta real estate career.
These are only three of the many marketing tactics that successful real estate agents use to reach and influence their customers. If you want to learn more marketing techniques and employ them to excel in your Georgia real estate career, you may invest in one of the marketing guides that I have written specifically for real estate agents. To browse through my collection of real estate books and manuals, please visit this link.
If you are interested in learning more about how you can grow as a real estate agent, you may register for my upcoming workshop. To register for the workshop, please visit my website.

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