Do’s and Don’ts of Atlanta Real Estate Agent Prospecting

As the Broker/C.E.O. of Platinum Real Estate I coach a lot of agents on how to be successful as a licensed real estate agent. Real estate prospecting is a constant effort of ambitious real estate agents who want to differentiate themselves from other agents working is the same industry. It’s a process that requires both new and well-established real estate agents to use the most recent and advanced tools and techniques in order to market themselves to their potential clients and urge the client to hire them for their next real estate transaction.

I have compiled a list of best practices of real estate prospecting. So, whether you’ve just stepped into the Atlanta real estate industry or have already conducted several million-dollar real estate transactions, the following do’s and don’ts can help you rework your current practices and make the most of your Atlanta real estate endeavors.

Don’t Just Rely on Reactive Marketing, Stay Active!

Real estate prospecting is about staying proactive. Traditional marketing activities, such as running social media marketing campaigns, sending out emails, networking with other real estate professionals and investors, etc. are important but they should not be the only component of your marketing process.
It is important that you actively engage with your existing and prospective clients. Whether you’re attending an open house arranged by a fellow Atlanta real estate broker or attending a conference or a coaching program, you’re prospecting every time you go and engage with your colleagues and customers. So, stay proactive and presentable.

Do Offer Something of Value, Make Your Cold Calling Process Effective

No one likes unsolicited phone calls today, especially when it offers little or no value to them. To make your real estate prospecting successful, offer your clients something relevant and new every time you make a phone call to them.
Don’t just call an Atlanta real estate investor to find out about their future business activities. Although it is important to know their future plans, make sure that you accompany your question with an exciting offer or relevant market information. This not only builds your confidence, it also establishes your identity as a professional and qualified real estate agent.

Don’t Call Your Entire Email List, Make Your Efforts More Focused and Effective

With advanced social media marketing techniques and tools, creating a real estate prospecting list is easy. However, to make the process more effective and valuable, you must focus on those contacts who are more likely to be converted into clients.
Calling your entire email list is of no use. You must shortlist the people who are likely to be more receptive to your offerings. Focus your prospecting activities on real estate sellers and make your efforts more productive and profitable.
If you can recondition your real estate prospecting efforts using the 3 do’s and don’ts I mentioned in this post, I am confident that you can build your identity as a qualified Atlanta real estate agent and increase your prospecting effectiveness and your earnings significantly.
As the Broker of Platinum Real Estate I believe prospecting is one of the most important things an agent can do.
To learn more tips and tricks of effective real estate prospecting, attend my Real Estate Prospecting Workshop” on 24th October 2015. To get more details and register yourself, visit my personal website:
Another free offer! Download my free eBook “The Viral Noise – Social Media Marketing for Real Estate Agents” and start your journey of becoming a multi-millionaire real estate agent. You can always contact me via email:

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